Tuesday, November 6, 2012

keep going

     Angela is the one of my most favorite singer.She is beautiful and elegant.I also love her songs very much.I’m so glad because She recently released a new album.This time I want to introduce the song is “淋雨一直走.”It’s not a sad song like before I introduced.The song will help you feel cheerful.When I feel overcast, I always think of this song.
     Its melody is so joyful and the lyric will inspire you.After I listened it, I thought that was never a obstacle which could not defeat.You can be a sunny person who always give the optimistic mood to others.It is not a day which is always cloudy.You are the very warm sun.So I have knew I have to keep a high mood to face the things every day I meet.
     Just open your eyes, and you get everything in the world.


  1. I like Angela as well but I seldom sing her songs because her voice is very high while mine is too low. Among her songs, my favorite one is ”blue eyes” which she sang with 青峰. I think “淋雨一直走” this one is nice, too! Especially when there’s countless textbook to study, listening to this song makes me relax and feel better from the tense daily life. :-)

  2. Hey, I am Sabrina and nice to meet you.
    I am also the one who really enjoy music, and Angela is one of my favorite singer as well. I think she is not only good at singing but also does well in acting. I had seen several drama starring her, and she had done well, too.
    It's glad to share the same interest with you; I'm looking forward to more inspiring works.

  3. Hey xue zhi !^_^
    I can’t believe that I haven’t known that you take the same English class as I until now! This song is truly awesome and it display positive attitude toward life. Life is full of ups and downs, and we’ll never know what we’re going to face in the next second. It is my hope that I can stay courageous and self-confident all the time just like the song conveys. By the way , 陳宜君 was with me when I was listening to this song. She adores this song, too. She wants to recommend you another song sung by 蔡旻佑---女大田力小, ha ha although this song seems to have no relation to yours, I hope you’ll like it!

  4. Angela is really a sweet girl. This song truly inspired me during this tough time before the midterm, haha:) It seems like you prefer Chinese Songs according to the ones you’ve recommended us. The Chinese singers I like most are Tanya Chua and Deserts. I love Tanya’s songs made herself, such as 陌生人 and Letting Go. They are both sad songs, but her voice is remedy that soothes my heart. Deserts produced songs, too. However, I prefer her singing others’ songs to her own ones. You can search 愛情轉移 she sang on YouTube. I am addicted to it.
