Monday, December 24, 2012

summer, autumn

As the saying goes “if the person were similar to you but you don’t know him or her, you always have a antipathy towards the person.”But once you have chance to know each other, you will be best friend in this life, share everthing what happened to you every day and mutually help when you met obstacle or got sad.Becasue you have too much the same characters.
I think though the life belong to ourselves, besides the parents and the lover, sometimes we must have friends to accompany our to turn the corner or share the happiness together.I have a frined.she is also the Penghu people, and we were senior high school classmates.Coincidentally, we go to the same college in Taiwan.We help eath other when someone got troubles and always have a dinner to together or eat night snack after midnight.we get better than when we are at senior high school.I real deelply think if the university NCCU didn’t have her, my college life must be incomplete and I will always feel longly.


  1. Hello!Xue Zhi
    This is my first time viewing your blog. I found the music you introduce all nice! This song is sung by 范瑋琪. Although it was an old song, I still like it.
    I also have two classmates who enter the same university with me. I have the same feeling that the relationship between I and they gets closer after we became college students. Friends are important, so we should treasure them. Hope you can meet more good friends in the university.

  2. Being with close friends,it's great because we don’t need to hide the true self, or try to please others. We can just express our feelings easily. Besides, sticking with on another all the time is impossible and also unnecessary. All we need is to enjoy the precious and sweet moments we create together. For example, my friend and I often keep laughing without reasons. Also, being with friends, we may fulfill our dreams and friendship can even serve as an important motivation to make progress.

  3. I highly agreed the sentence you quoted in the article, because the sentence described was what really happened to me. As a result, I had a deeply feeling to your words and the song. My friends and I have some difficult to meet one another because we went to different colleges in everywhere of Taiwan. Though using facebook can help me know my friends’ recent lives, it can’t solve the emotion of missing. Therefore, I hope the winter vacation will come faster, and all people will have a great chance to get together with each other’s friends to enjoy the young happy days again..

  4. I love this song so much!!! Indeed, once we deeply know a friend and have a lot in common, then we can share every part of our life with them. The song is meaningful and beautiful! Sometimes, two people with extremely different charateristic can also be soulmates! They have different idea or insights about one thing, whice can always spark out a totally new idea! If I can meet a friend like this, it will be wonderful!
