Monday, December 24, 2012

summer, autumn

As the saying goes “if the person were similar to you but you don’t know him or her, you always have a antipathy towards the person.”But once you have chance to know each other, you will be best friend in this life, share everthing what happened to you every day and mutually help when you met obstacle or got sad.Becasue you have too much the same characters.
I think though the life belong to ourselves, besides the parents and the lover, sometimes we must have friends to accompany our to turn the corner or share the happiness together.I have a frined.she is also the Penghu people, and we were senior high school classmates.Coincidentally, we go to the same college in Taiwan.We help eath other when someone got troubles and always have a dinner to together or eat night snack after midnight.we get better than when we are at senior high school.I real deelply think if the university NCCU didn’t have her, my college life must be incomplete and I will always feel longly.

Monday, December 10, 2012

the world in the outside

     Today is Tuesday and now is in the morning.To my surprise, the morning I got up I forgot where I am.It is not like my room at home.It is so terrible to me.I skipped the class and came back the dormitory after going the the class and finishing the test.The outside is raining now.The gloomy weather and gray sky make the mood down.
     I always find music on the Youtube, then I come across the song.I love to watch the MV when listening to the music because it is easier for me toenter the situation.When the melody of the song started, it touched me deeply.It is ordinary but full of power and hit my heart strongly.In our life, there is someone loving you and he or she will let you fly, let you go and let you see the world in the outside.But when you are harmed so badly and feel abandoned by the world, the one will always stand there, support you and give you courage just like your parents, your friends or your lover.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

child in the heart

When we were young, we always wore my parents clothes, used the adult’s things and wanted to grow up quickly.We were so stubborn and self-righteous at that time.Evey day we all thought about how and when I can leave the home and do what I wanted to do.But we would like to be young again when we were really grow up.Becuse the older we are, the more obstacles we should face and overcome.Maybe we will never be ourselves, after being socialized by the world and lose our innocent hearts.
The song I want to introduce this time is “梁文音-心裡的孩子.”I came cross this song by clicking the link my friend gave me in my facebook.And I was touched deeply by the song.I think we are suitable to listen the song because we left our hometown and parents to come to the strange Taipei where our university is.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

keep going

     Angela is the one of my most favorite singer.She is beautiful and elegant.I also love her songs very much.I’m so glad because She recently released a new album.This time I want to introduce the song is “淋雨一直走.”It’s not a sad song like before I introduced.The song will help you feel cheerful.When I feel overcast, I always think of this song.
     Its melody is so joyful and the lyric will inspire you.After I listened it, I thought that was never a obstacle which could not defeat.You can be a sunny person who always give the optimistic mood to others.It is not a day which is always cloudy.You are the very warm sun.So I have knew I have to keep a high mood to face the things every day I meet.
     Just open your eyes, and you get everything in the world.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Becasue Love

Well, you must think I will tell you my love story.Oh..,I’m not so open.This song is for my senior high school friends.It’s our beautiful song!
When we were goingt to leave our hometown, Penghu, to go to university, we decided a so cute plan.We asked ourselves to prepare one dish and took it to one person’s home.Yes, we ate the dishes at my friend home just like we are families.After eating up the delicious food, we also chatted about everything and played the table games happily.In the end, one girl of our played the guitar and sang a song.The song was the “韋禮安-因為愛”. And some of us cried.Because wa lived in the Penghu, we had to leave here to study university.We can’t see each other every day, hang out together at school ,and gossip about others any more.
As the saying goes “Your senior high school will always stay with you forever.”Don’t you think it is really beautiful?

Sunday, September 30, 2012

You are your famliy's treasure.

     In the first time I want to introduce this song“黃美珍-只怕想家”.The song is talking about a woman left from her home to the city to find a job.She felt lonely because she came to the unknown city and no one could be her companion with her.She also felt especiallyhelpless when she was sick.But one day she received a package from her mother ,and she felt she was not the only person in the world.Becasue There was a person who still loved her!
     I came from Penghu.I felt so touched when hearing this song.Because the distance form Penghu to Taipei is so long.I can’t go back to Penghu frequently.The high expense on the plane ticket is also the reason.
     All of us are the fresh men in the university.We leave the lovely family who always gave us the best things and come to this strange place.At the start,we must feel so lonely.But I want to say no matter how do you feel in the new condition ,your home and family always is your harbor.
Loving and cherishing your family who will love you forever.